Our high quality programs based on the Early Years Learning Framework are designed to provide a child lead curriculum with the highest expectations of children through the 5 learning outcomes; A strong sense of Identity, connection and contribution to their world, a strong sense of wellbeing, confident and involved learning and effective communication.
Our programs for all ages include experiences and learning to promote:
- Sustainability
- Physical health and movement
- Cultural awareness
- Literacy and language
- Numeracy
- Social and emotional development
“All children have the best start in life to create a better future for themselves and for the nation.â€
-EYLF – Belonging, being & becoming
Through an integrated school readiness program, we ensure children are prepared for a successful transition from our early childhood setting to a school setting. Children are introduced to learning concepts through play based experiences and a combination of both planned and spontaneous intentional teaching opportunities.
Our 0-2yr program places value on creating a safe, secure and nurturing environment for children from birth to 2 years and building positive, responsive relationships. Fostering children’s need for developing strong bonds and widening their network of strong relationships provides them with a secure base for learning and exploration.
Our 3-5yr program places emphasis on providing a curriculum where children’s agency is promoted. Educators work closely with families, children and other professionals to construct active learning through diverse learning experiences.
Our before and after school care programs incorporate the principles and practices of ‘My Time Our Place’ framework.
Vacation care programs include daily excursions planned for children’s enjoyment and promoting connections within our local community